Join our project on iNaturalist to log your sightings in the valley.

Here is a list of the butterfly’s that have been spotted in the valley recently. If you see more, you can log them in our project or let us know and we will add them.

Many thanks to the Butterfly Conservation for the images and information.

Common Bluecommon-blue
Dark Green Fritillarydark-green-fritillary
Essex SkipperEssex Skipper
Green HairstreakGreen Hairstreak
Green Veined WhiteGreen Veined White
Holly BlueHolly Blue
Large SkipperLarge Skipper
Large WhiteLarge White
Meadow BrownMeadow Brown
Marbled WhiteMarbled White
Orange TopOrangetip
Painted LadyPainted Lady
Red AdmiralRed Admiral
Silver Washed FritillarySilver Washed Fritillary
Small CopperSmall Copper
Small TortoiseshellSmall Tortoiseshell
Small SkipperSmall Skipper
Small WhiteSmall White
Speckled WoodSpeckled Wood